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Applying for Finance

ANZ understands that the key drivers behind a rural operation's capacity to service debt is the production capacity of the core farming enterprise and associated risk combined with any off farm income.

To assist your application for finance we seek information that will assist us understand your business as per the following list:

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Description Details
Agribusiness Credit Application >Download (PDF, 76kb)
Agribusiness Statement of Position >Download (PDF, 180kb)
Agribusiness Cash Flow Forecast >Download (PDF, 57kb)
Details about the production capacity of your enterprise For example expected crop plantings, milk statements.
Copies of Financial Records Profit and Loss and Balance Sheets, Tax Returns for the past three years. Salary advices (where applicable).
Business plans (where available)  
Copies of Legal documents Copies of Certificates of Incorporation, Partnership Agreements and Trust documentation (where applicable)

If you'd like further details, assistance or a quote, please contact us by sending an >e-form or contact an >ANZ Manager.