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Corporate loan statements delivered straight to your inbox

A consolidated, more detailed loan statement will be sent to you by email.

These statements present comprehensive loan information, providing you with greater insight into your loan details and transaction history. The loan statement will provide a more complete view of your deal, facility, fees and exposures, including some projected activity for interest and rollover dates, as well as transaction history.

Your loan statement is divided into three distinct sections:

1. Deal summary information - a deal is the term referring to all of the facilities within a loan document

2. Borrower summary - a lists all the borrowers (both primary and secondary) with their associated facilities in the deal

3. Transaction historydisclaimer

Loans statement layout - deal summary section

Loan statement frequency

With your loan statement frequency, you can choose between weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly loan reports.

Need a statement on demand? Speak to your relationship manager, because we’ve got you covered there too!

Loan statement layout – borrower summary section

Loan statement layout – transaction history section

View our full set of relevant disclosures.

The transaction history section displays the transaction history for the date range of the loan statement and does not display transactions for the entire duration of the deal.
