ANZ Indonesia
Connecting our clients with insights and expertise in close to 30 markets globally.
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PT Bank ANZ Indonesia
ANZ first established its presence in Indonesia in 1973. In 1993, ANZ Group took over 85% of Westpac Bank’s shares at the PT Westpac Panin Bank and changed the name of the joint venture bank into PT ANZ Panin Bank.
In 12 January 2012, the joint venture bank changed its name to PT Bank ANZ Indonesia (ANZ), which reflects the increase of ANZ Group's ownership in the Bank with composition to 99% owned by the ANZ Group and 1% owned by Panin Bank. This demonstrated ANZ’s commitment to Indonesia and its customers’ growth. It also reaffirmed the position of ANZ Group as the largest Australian investor in Indonesia’s financial services sector with an investment in capital and equity of over AUD 1 billion.
Shareholding composition of PT Bank ANZ Indonesia (ANZ)
ANZ Banking Group Limited | 99% |
PT Panin Bank Tbk | 1% |
ANZ Indonesia plays an essential role in the Bank’s Institutional Banking strategy, leveraging our global connections and deep local insights to support our customers’ domestic requirements, while connecting them to Asia Pacific’s expanding trade and capital flows.
ANZ provides a full range of corporate and institutional banking solutions across Markets, Transaction Banking and Loans and Specialised Finance in Indonesia.
In the community
ANZ Indonesia is committed to giving back to the communities in which it operates through Diversity & Inclusion and Financial Literacy & Capability, with an increasing focus on skills-based volunteering. We believe that banking is more than the provision of finance; our purpose is to shape a world where people and communities thrive.
Key Corporate Sustainability Priorities:
Financial Literacy and Capability
In 2012, ANZ Indonesia rolled out MoneyMinded, our flagship financial inclusion program in collaboration with local non-government organisations, Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) and The Learning Farm to help lower-income women entrepreneurs and organic farmers to understand the fundamentals about money management to improve their financial literacy and confidence.
MoneyMinded Indonesia delivered by accredited ANZ volunteers.
a.) Rumah Belajar / The Learning House was set up in the ANZ Tower parking area in March 2013. Rumah Belajar is a form of collaboration between ANZ and Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB). Rumah Belajar provides computer and English classes for children as well as various enrichment program including Arts and Crafts and Cybercrime socialisation which run by our staff as volunteers.
b.) Social actions in response to social issues that are related to Bank’s focus as well as to create better and prosperous communities through local organisations such as, visually impaired community by doing book retyping to turn it to Braille books/audio books as well as taking the communities to city attractions by using public transportation. Moreover, we also collected used books and donated the books to local community in eastern part of Indonesia as well as trombocyte blood donor to cancer patients especially children.
ANZ Consumer Protection
Dear Valued Customer,
At ANZ, we are committed to provide you a better service. We are open to receive your suggestions and complaints for our improvements.
For any suggestions or complaints, you may contact our Customers Relationship Team at 08041000269 or (62 21) 80862030 or email us at
Our Customer Relationship Team will serve you on business days, Monday to Friday from 08.30 am to 5.00 pm.
We will acknowledge your suggestions and complaints within 1 working day upon receipt and provide you a response and resolution within 10 working days from the date of receipt.
Please refer here for Customer Complaint Procedure.
2 April 2018
ANZ General Banking Conditions
Effective May 1, 2018, we are making changes to our terms and conditions. The General Banking Conditions will apply from that effective date to the accounts you maintain with PT Bank ANZ Indonesia. For a copy of ANZ General Banking Conditions, please contact your Relationship Manager or please call ANZ Corporate Services 0804 1000 269 or (62 21) 80862030, or visit our Forms Centre.
Yours sincerely,
PT Bank ANZ Indonesia
By Regulation
a. Information on Funds Transfer related with BI-RTGS, SKNBI and BI-FAST system (PDF)
b. Dodd-Frank (PDF)
By Business
a. Disclosure regarding ANZ's Role in the Wholesale Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC) Markets - Institutional Clients (PDF)
b. Payment and Cash Management Pricing Guide (effective from 20 January 2022) (PDF)
By Market
a. US Disclosures (PDF)
b. Indonesia Disclosures
Personal Data Protection
a. Privacy Notice (PDF)
The provision of products and services is subject to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and PT Bank ANZ Indonesia banking licence in Indonesia.
PT Bank ANZ Indonesia is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, and also a participant of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) guarantee program.
The maximum deposit amount guaranteed by LPS per customer per bank is IDR 2 billion. Find out more about the LPS Guarantee Interest Rate here.