ANZ Online
Simplifying and connecting your transaction banking across Asia, the Pacific, Europe and America.
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To access ANZ Online as a registered user, simply select the logon link below:
Logon with your VASCO Digipass token
Product news and support tools
Please refer to the ANZ Online Resource Central page to access the latest guides and other useful items.
Should you require assistance, please contact:
ANZ Corporate Services: 0804 1000 269 and (62 21) 8086 2030
Operational hours from Monday – Friday 8.30 AM – 5.00 PM (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
Cut-off times
Indonesia local clearing cut-off times:
Book Trf: 04:00 PM
SKN: 03:00 PM
RTGS: 03:00 PM
TT: 02:00 PM
Transactions posted after the above listed cut off times will be processed on the next working day. Account will be debited on the same day, except for TT with FX, whereby the account will be debited on the next working day.
By Regulation
a. Information on Funds Transfer related with BI-RTGS, SKNBI and BI-FAST system (PDF)
b. Dodd-Frank (PDF)
By Business
a. Disclosure regarding ANZ's Role in the Wholesale Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities (FICC) Markets - Institutional Clients (PDF)
b. Payment and Cash Management Pricing Guide (effective from 20 January 2022) (PDF)
By Market
a. US Disclosures (PDF)
b. Indonesia Disclosures
Personal Data Protection
a. Privacy Notice (PDF)
The provision of products and services is subject to the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and PT Bank ANZ Indonesia banking licence in Indonesia.
PT Bank ANZ Indonesia is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, and also a participant of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) guarantee program.
The maximum deposit amount guaranteed by LPS per customer per bank is IDR 2 billion. Find out more about the LPS Guarantee Interest Rate here.