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Host-to-host solutions

ANZ Fileactive is a global host-to-host customer integration solution for automating a range of financial processes including business payments, reporting and workflow management.

ANZ Fileactive caters to your unique data management requirements

With a selection of connectivity options, ANZ Fileactive allows your organisation to select the optimal integration solution for connecting to a range of ANZ's Institutional services, from simple file or message delivery to complex and value-added data transfer and workflow solutions. 

File-based solutions

Utilising STP to automate the exchange of critical file-based banking information, including payment instructions and account transaction data, Host-to-Host (H2H) reduces manual handling of sensitive financial information, decreasing the risk of errors and increasing operational efficiencies.

Real-time messaging via APIdisclaimer solutions

APIs are ideal for businesses wanting to exchange data in near real-time, modernising your existing processes and unlocking a world of possibilities.

Translation and workflow solutions

Our translation and workflow capabilities offer advanced bi-directional file translation, data aggregation, enrichment and business logic services. These are tailored to your organisation’s specific needs by accommodating your existing data formats and operational workflow processes.

Leigh Mahoney - Head of Wholesale Digital - ANZ Institutional

“Host-to-host integration is transforming the way customers interact with their financial institutions and should be treated as a strategic priority for any business looking to excel in a digital world.”

Leigh Mahoney - Head of Wholesale Digital - ANZ Institutional

ANZ Fileactive in action

  1. Customer generates a financial transaction file or API message in their internal system. Files can be in any industry standard or custom format.
  2. The file or message is encrypted and transferred through a secure connection to ANZ Fileactive for consumption by ANZ’s core systems for processing.
  3. If required, payments can then be presented in ANZ Transactive – Global for authorisation.
  4. Upon processing ANZ Fileactive will provide core systems’ updates of your request. For example, payments will be identified as being Processed, Partially Processed or Rejected with reasons provided. ANZ Fileactive also supports other requested reporting data at the relevant frequency, such as end of day bank statement, intraday account balance and transaction information or real-time payment status notifications.

Help and support

How to

Access a range of resources to help you use your Fileactive services.

ANZ Digital Services Help

PGP key

Find more information about how PGP encryption protects your ANZ Fileactive data and download the current Key.

ANZ Fileactive FAQs

Contact us

If you would like more information on Fileactive, please contact your ANZ Representative or your ANZ Customer Service Centre.

Global digital services support

View our full set of relevant disclosures.

For the latest forms, rates and terms for our banking solutions, please visit Important resources and forms.

Whilst APIs are an important tool for real-time integration, they may not be suitable for every business interaction, particularly where large volumes of data need to be exchanged. Our Integration Specialists will work with you to deliver a customised solution according to your unique requirements.
