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 Corporate Governance 

ANZ's strong governance framework provides a solid structure for effective and responsible decision making at ANZ.

Copies/summaries of some of ANZ's key documents related to corporate governance can be found below.

2024 Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G

The 2024 Corporate Governance Statement can be accessed below:

As a company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), ANZ is required to disclose how it has applied the Recommendations contained within the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (ASX Governance Recommendations) during the financial year, explaining any departures from them.

ANZ has followed the ASX Governance Recommendations during the 2024 financial year as set out in the Appendix 4G below:

On 3 January 2023, ANZ Group Holdings Limited became the new listed head entity for the ANZ group following implementation of the scheme of arrangement between Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZBGL) and the holders of its fully paid ordinary shares (Scheme). The terms of the ANZ Group Holdings Limited Board and Committee charters and governance policies are substantially the same intent and purpose as ANZBGL’s Board and Committee charters and governance policies, other than certain changes made to reflect the structure of the ANZ group. Further information is available on ANZ's Non-Operating Holding Company Shareholder Centre web page.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible to shareholders for the governance of the Group, and oversees its operations and financial performance.

Code of Conduct and Ethics

ANZ has two Codes of Conduct, which provide employees and Directors with a practical set of guiding principles to help them make fair, balanced and ethical decisions in their day to day work:

Conduct and Ethics Policy Framework

The Codes of Conduct and Ethics are supported by detailed policies that together form ANZ's Conduct and Ethics Policy Framework. Summaries of those policies are set out below:

Other corporate governance

Other key corporate governance matters include:

Continuous Disclosure

Consistent with ANZ's commitment to shareholder communication and continuous disclosure, ANZ provides shareholders and the wider market with timely, quality information on our strategy, programs and initiatives, and performance. All relevant information is posted below and on the Australian Securities Exchange website.

ANZ’s Continuous Disclosure Policy is available above.
