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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

How can I change to electronic communications? 

You have a choice for how certain ANZ shareholder communications are sent to you. We encourage you to make the switch to paperless communications and provide our share registry, Computershare Investor Services, with your email address.

Follow the steps below to change how your receive your communications:

  1. You will need your Security holder Reference Number (SRN)/Holder Identification Number (HIN). 
  2. Open your browser and type in and follow the prompts to log-in/register.
  3. Click on 'My Profile' at the top of your screen, then click on 'Communication Preferences'.

What elections can I make?

  • You can make an election as to how you would like to receive certain documents including Annual Reports and documents related to shareholders’ meetings (for example AGM notices of meeting, proxy/voting forms):
  • You can make a standing election to receive the documents in physical or electronic form; or
  • You can tell us if you do not want to receive a hard-copy of the Annual Report & Annual Review.

You will always be able to access and read our Annual Report, Annual Review or Notice of Meeting when it is published on the ANZ Shareholder Centre and the ASX market announcement platform. However you can also make ad hoc requests to receive documents in physical or electronic form by contacting Computershare Investor Services.

If at any time you require an additional copy of a communication, or you need more information about the options available to you, please contact Computershare Investor Services .

If you would like to update your elections, log in and select Communications.



Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited manages ANZ's Share Registry.


Contact details

Please click here to take you to the Contact page.

An Issuer Sponsored holding is maintained by the issuer of your shares. All details relating to your holding are maintained by the issuer at the share registry. Your Issuer Sponsored holding can be identified by an 'I' at the start of your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) which is printed on your holding statement.

When your shares are Issuer Sponsored, you are free to trade them through any broker without the need to move them around. You give your nominated broker permission to access your holding when you buy or sell.

If your shares are Broker Sponsored, you will have a Holder Identification Number (HIN) allocated to your holding rather than a Shareholder Reference Number (SRN). Your Broker Sponsored holding can be identified by an 'X' at the start of your HIN which is printed on your holding Statement.

You will need to advise Computershare Investor Services by logging into your Investor Centre account here or in writing. Your advice should include your name, shareholder number, old and new address, and signature. Notifications can be mailed or faxed to Computershare Investor Services (click here for contact details).

For Broker Sponsored Shares
You will need to notify your broker in writing of your change of address.

To have your name removed from the annual report mailing list advise our share registry in writing, quoting your shareholder number (SRN or HIN), name and company if applicable. You will continue to receive all other correspondence, including notice of meetings and your dividend advice.

On the Australian Securities Exchange ANZ's code is 'ANZ'. Other listings that include ANZ as part of the code are likely to be derivatives of ANZ shares, for example warrants or options. These derivatives are not issued by ANZ and if you would like further information about buying and selling ANZ derivatives, your stockbroker will be able to advise you.

Apart from your stockbroker, you may like to visit the Australian Securities Exchange site . This site provides a wealth of information as well as a broker referral service.

The package is costly to maintain, with only a small number of eligible ANZ shareholders using the package. Our research demonstrated that most shareholders no longer consider the benefits offered to be relevant to their particular financial needs. Providing superior financial performance through capital and dividend growth is the best way for us to reward shareholders for their investment in ANZ. Read more about the removal of the Shareholder Privilege Package in Australia or New Zealand.

The Record Date for a dividend is the date on which you need to be a registered shareholder to be eligible to receive the current dividend. To be eligible, you need to be recorded on the share register at 5pm on the Record Date. 

The ex dividend date occurs on the business day before the Record Date of the dividend. To be entitled to the dividend, a shareholder must have purchased shares before the ex-dividend date.  People who purchase shares on the share market on or after the ex dividend date are not entitled to the dividend. Conversely, if you sell shares on the share market on or after the ex-dividend date, you are still entitled to receive the dividend.

This is the date on which steps are taken by the Company to pay the dividend to entitled shareholders.

1.   What is capital and capital management

  • Capital generally refers to the amount shareholders invest in an entity together with accumulated retained profits. This mainly relates to investments in ANZ ordinary shares but also includes investments in ANZ Capital Notes.
  • A bank’s ordinary share equity and accumulated retained profits is also referred to, and is reported as, its Common Equity Tier 1 (or CET1) capital.
  • Capital management includes actions undertaken to administer, allocate and invest, increase (through offers or issues of capital) or decrease (through buy-backs or redemptions) this capital in accordance with the bank’s capital management objectives.
  • ANZ is constantly managing the level of capital to ensure we have enough capital to meet regulatory requirements while efficiently deploying this capital across the Group to deliver an appropriate return on capital for our shareholders.


2.   What is a share buy-back?

  • A share buy-back is a capital management action undertaken by the issuer of the shares (in the case of ANZ of our ordinary listed shares) to buy back a number of shares from one or more of the exchanges they’re listed on
  • Once repurchased the shares will be cancelled thereby reducing the total number of issued shares and the amount of issued capital
  • There are a number of options to buy-back shares, the two most common being an off-market share buy-back and an on-market share buy-back.


3.   Why is ANZ undertaking a share buy-back?

  • ANZ’s reported Level 2 and Level 1 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital ratios as at 31 March 2021 were 12.4% and 12.2% respectively. These ratios are well in excess of APRA’s stated unquestionably strong capital requirement of 10.5%
  • The bank is in a position to return a modest amount of surplus capital to shareholders through a buy-back of shares on-market.
  • The on-market buy-back is expected to reduce ANZ’s March 2021 CETI capital ratio by approximately 35 basis points.
  • We consider an on-market buy-back to be the most prudent, fairest and flexible method to return capital in the current environment.


4.   How will ANZ buy-back shares under an on-market buy-back?

  • ANZ will announce the appointment of a broker on ASX prior to any share buy-back purchase. This broker will undertake the share buy-back on behalf of ANZ
  • The purchase price is determined by the holder selling on-market and ANZ (via its broker) buying at market prices in the ordinary course of trading (and subject to exchange rules)
  • Shareholders can participate by selling their shares on ASX. They don’t need to do anything further to participate in the buy-back
  • Following each day that ANZ buys back shares, we’ll lodge an Appendix 3E (Daily Share Buy-Back notice) providing details of the number and price (including the highest/lowest price) of shares bought back.

Unclaimed dividends/distributions may be located at ASIC or the Victorian State Revenue Office. The process to claim is set out here .
